Maggie Gyllenhaal and her daughter Ramona at LaGuardia Airport on 23rd ...

Dark and Wild: Jake Gyllenhaal possibly thinking about work and Maggie ...

Dark and Wild: Jake Gyllenhaal covers Germany's McDonalds news, Maggie ...

Updated] Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal out in NYC, video catch ups (Paul ...

looked very average before his rhinoplasty

But the "Brokeback Mountain" star admits they are not actively seeking ...

look forward to what Jake Gyllenhaal shows us something new!

Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and Harvey Dent

Ryan Jay Reviews: WON'T BACK DOWN

This is an emergency post - there could very well be more later on.

JAKE WEIRD: Pharmaceutical salesmen, Masculine looks, machismo and ...

Wet Dark and Wild: Jake Gyllenhaal and Woody, Jake and Pilot, Jake and ...

Wet Dark and Wild: [Updated] Edible Jake Gyllenhaal, more from ...

Wet Dark and Wild: [Updated] Jake Gyllenhaal out for sushi with Austin ...

The girls really enjoyed looking out our hotel window.

Click and they shall be embeginned. For a better look at the words do ...

Wet Dark and Wild: Update! Jake Gyllenhaal and Dustin Hoffman catch up ...

With a big thank you to IHJ , we have some more photos from earlier in ...

Jake Gyllenhaal 's Wing Chun Kung Fu workout yesterday and making an ...
Katie's Dids (Damn girl, you look good in them shades.)
analog cinema (Erica Schreiner - Self portrait, June 2012)
True Babes of Denton